
OMR Sheet Design Features

The OMR Software is not just good at reading and evaluating OMR sheets, but also at the process of designing and printing them. With the introduction of this software, designing the OMR sheets is no longer a hassle. You can use the drag and drop method to create several OMR sheet designs. This software is available in two versions: standard and advance version. We present to you the features of both these versions. You can choose the one that suits your requirements.


Standard OMR design features

Let us take a look at some of the important features of the standard version of the OMR software.

  • You can either create customized layout of the OMR sheet from scratch or use the various already-created OMR sheet designs available in the software.
  • There is no need to calibrate the OMR sheets created with the help of the OMR software. The sheets get calibrated automatically during the designing process. However, if you are using externally created OMR sheets, you need to calibrate it with the OMR software.
  • The smallest size of OMR sheet can be stamp size while the largest can be A3 sized paper. The A4 size paper is used typically for OMR Sheet Printing. However, you can even use half A4 size sheets if you can accommodate the required bubbles in that sheet size.
  • It is possible to accommodate 300 questions with five options in an A4 size paper.
  • The OMR software also provides the option of printing the bubbles on both sides of the sheet. This is called duplex OMR sheets.
  • While bubbles are quite commonly used as answer options in OMR sheets, you can also opt for boxes, circles, etc. according to the marking pattern or requirement. If required, you can also use them together in one OMR sheet.


Advance OMR designer features

The advance version of the software includes everything of the standard version and provides something more too. Let us take a look at some of its features.

  • You can create OMR bubble blocks without the grids with the advance version. Also, this software has the ability to calibrate misaligned and alternate bubbles.
  • You have the liberty to calibrate the sheets by using Word templates.
  • You can also do variable data printing, i.e. the process of printing barcode and roll no. on the OMR sheets. This is done with the help of Excel.
  • You can also design OMR sheets that have ICR blocks along with the OMR blocks.
  • The advance version of the software provides a server backup facility to store the OMR sheets and designs safely for future use. This is the best, fastest and the safest way of transferring the OMR sheets to several branches of the organization.

Addmen's OMR software provides all these OMR Sheet Design Features at affordable rates. A nominal investment in the present would provide you with complete OMR solutions for a really long time.